Équestre Physiotherapy

For the Horse & Rider Team

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Our Mission

With dual qualifications in both human and animal physiotherapy, our mission is to bring contemporary equestrian physiotherapy to both you and your horse.

Our mission is to provide the highest quality physiotherapy service for both species, the horse and you, your horse’s rider.

Our practice is informed by established and emerging research from both the medical and veterinary fields.

We know how important both relief from pain and ease of movement is for optimal wellness, performance and ultimately quality of life - not just for you but also for the horse in your life.

The well-being and welfare of the horse that matters to you, matters to us and we treat your horse with the same dedicated care and attention as we would to one of our own.


Move Well

Feel Well

Perform Well


Our Vision

Equity of care - we envision animals of all species benefiting from the exceptional standard of physiotherapy care that is available to us humans. We envision both members of the equestrian team benefiting from physiotherapy and optimal performance.

Collaborative care - we envision all veterinary clinics having a qualified and registered physiotherapist as part of their multi-disciplinary team - just like in the human medical field where physiotherapists, doctors, surgeons and other allied health colleagues collaborate to ensure optimal care for our patients.

Routine care - we envision physiotherapy as being a routine and standard part of you and your horse’s health care journey - from preventative care to prehab and rehab following injury and illness.

Evidenced based care - we envision implementing and contributing to the emerging research base which informs and guides our practice.

We want to provide excellent care to our patients - both horse and human, all breeds of horse, all ages and all abilities of both horse and rider.

Most of all, we want to empower you as a rider to optimise your own well-being and performance so that you can perform at your best - in turn allowing your horse to perform at their best. We envision empowering you to provide optimal health care and the best quality of life possible to the horse you share your life with.








Our Physio Services


Equestrian Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy for both horse and rider. Equestrian sports are unique in the demands placed upon two species - the performance of both the horse and the rider are intricately interlinked. How the horse moves affects the rider, and vice versa.

Equestre Rider Physiotherapy



Equestrian sports place unique physical demands placed on both the horse and the rider. Often overlooked as a cause for poor performance, rider health, flexibility, strength and balance are key to a harmonious and effective team.




Not reserved for just for the elite equine athlete, physiotherapy can help horses and ponies of all breeds and types and at all stages of life. From foal to grey faced, from injury prevention to rehabilitation post injury, illness or surgery.

Our Commitment

Compassion, Empathy & Respect

These three values guide all of our interactions with you and your horse.


With a BSc in Physiotherapy and an MSc in Veterinary Physiotherapy, we identify with being a key part of your medical and veterinary health care team and commit to communication and collaboration with your health care team as well as your horse’s health care team - your veterinarian, farrier, saddler, coach.


We committed to excellence when we signed up for being a member of the Physiotherapy profession. We commit to continue on our journey of life long learning and to ensuring you and your horse benefit directly from what we learn along the way.

Research focused

We commit to research - to reading emerging research, to critically apprising research, to attending and presenting at national and international research conferences - and sharing our learning with you, so that you and your horse benefit from emerging research and best practise.

A physiotherapist has the brain of a scientist, the heart of a humanist and the hands of an artist

Source unknown




“There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse.”

― Robert Smith Surtees
